Tuesday, October 7, 2014

To market, to market!

To quilt market that is!

International Quilt Market is held twice a year. It is where fabric designers, pattern companies, and all companies quilty release new fabrics and products to quilt store owners. There is much hype in the quilting world around quilt market. Designers and quilters dream of having their work at the market, and quilt shop owners flock to the market to find the latest and greatest items.

One large fabric manufacturer that reveals their newest fabrics at quilt market is Windham Fabrics.

In preparation for this year's fall quilt market in Houston, TX, Windham (on their blog) asked for 16 quilters to volunteer to make a mini quilt using their newest fabrics. These mini quilts would be displayed in their booth at the market to showcase the new prints.

Of course, I raised my hand calmly threw my hands in the air and shouted, "Pick me! Pick me!"

Then I got the email saying I was one of the sweet 16!

The catch? I would have less than one week to complete the quilt. And I wouldn't have any idea what fabrics I would be receiving. "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit."

The rules? Make an 18" mini quilt with the fabrics they send in a way that highlights the patterns.

I waited patiently impatiently for the overnighted FedEx package to arrive. It came at 1:30 on Wednesday, October 1st.


I couldn't wait to see what exciting challenge was waiting for me inside!

The fabrics are from the "Jungle Minis" collection by Whistler Studios for Windham Fabrics.

Upon closer inspection, I believe the pieces of fabric that were sent to me were the "strike offs" - fabric samples made as a trial to test production methods. (I can't be the only one that thinks that is cool!) The prints on several of the fabrics were not edge to edge.
The fabrics would not have been my own personal first choice. But I was determined! I scoured the internet for inspiration, and immediately got started. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the process.


The finished quilt!

I finished it Sunday night (October 5th) and overnighted it back to Windham on Monday. I am so excited to have a quilt of mine displayed at quilt market! I'll be watching for pictures and blog posts from market to see if I can catch a glimpse of my quilt!

(Windham Fabrics did a similar "challenge" for this year's spring quilt market. I found the mini quilts that were displayed here. Hope I'll be able to find a post of the mini quilts for fall quilt market, too!)

As a 'thank you' for participating, I get to keep the extra fabrics. Windham will display the mini quilts at quilt market and then in their offices until the spring quilt market. At that point, I should be able to get my quilt back.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I'm sure it is the best quilt of all 16! Nice work!!
