Thursday, March 5, 2015

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Did you know we have quite the affection for Dr. Seuss? I think it all started back when my dad would read Fox in Socks to me when I was a kid. We read it so much my mom had to tape the cover back on with book binding tape from the library. (And yes, I still have it!)

When deciding on a nursery theme, we went with Dr. Seuss.

We had a Seuss theme to our pregnancy announcement.

The boys' monthly pictures have a Seuss theme.

When we went on vacation to Washington D.C., Jeremiah met the Cat in the Hat.

So it's only fitting that we celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday. We managed to fit lots of Seuss-themed activities into our day. We have enough Seuss things to entertain the boys for many more Seuss birthdays to come!

 Happy 111th, Dr. Seuss!

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